Bootstrap News

June 2024

Fox Cities Marathon Training Runs

Our summer training runs for the Community First Fox Cities Marathon and Half Marathon are under way at Crunch Fitness. We held our first of these runs on June 1st. There were over 30 participants, some who had not seen each other since last fall. Representatives from Fleet Feet and Mizuno shoes were on hand allowing our runners to demo different shoe styles. A raffle was held with lucky winners winning assorted prizes. As usual, coffee, donut holes and water and Gatorade were available to all participants.

It's not too late to join this group on these weekly fun events. Held every Saturday at 7 am until fall at Crunch Fitness, 2500 S Kensington Dr, Appleton, there are increasing distances for those interested in training for the Fox Cities Full or Half Marathon in September. Or for those who simply enjoy running/walking with others. You can view upcoming Route Maps and distances on our website.

Thanks to John and Deb Ebel for hosting the water station at the PaceSetters runs that occurred every Saturday morning from October to May. The water is usually quite cold.

For Saturday Training Runs, It is important to respect the wishes of the owners of Crunch Fitness to keep their parking lot safe. Never run through parking lot, and do not weave around rows of parked cars to reach your desired mileage. Instead use sidewalks. Remember this is an active busy business, we need to always yield to their parking lot traffic. Also, please park across Kensington Street in the vacant lot at the former Best Buy and Appleton Library.


What is your favorite race distance?

Please enter 7db7db in the box below so that we can be sure you are a human.

Last month we asked "What topic would you like to hear or learn more about in our future PaceSetters newsletters?" And without further ado, you said:

Dealing with arthritis and running as we get older

I really like the articles about people, Mike Fremont, Courtney Dauwaulter, Joan Benoit, Kiptum, Jasmin Paris, and the odd ball stories like the Lugin and Chugin, so more of these!

At The Olympic Trials Marathon, “DFL” Means Pain Over Regret

The US Olympic Trials Marathon is a unique race. While a couple hundred of the nation’s best marathoners qualify, only 3 (or less) men and women make the Olympics. This makes it a small marathon field. That’s in comparison to most marathons which have a large number of casual weekend warrior types towards the back of the field. Even when an elite runner has a bad day at a typical marathon event, they know they will still finish much closer to the lead runners than the back ones. But in the small competitive field at the Olympic Trials, the runner’s are going for broke, and if they are not feeling it that day, many decide to take a DNF. Otherwise, if they try to gut it out, they may experience something for the first time in their life, a dead last finish. Since the men started using a Trials race to select the US Olympic team in 1968, more than 30% of the participants have dropped out of their race. The women started using the Trials system in 1984, and 17% of women participants since then did not finish.

Here, however, are the stories of those elite Trials runners who found the idea of quitting unacceptable. Interesting interviews of athletes who have competed in past US Olympic Trials. These athletes talk about their struggles in these trials races, where they fought through the pain and instead of getting a DNF, or Did Not Finish, they became the DFL finisher. Not wanting “to drop out … the worst feeling in the world is when you step off.” One even did a humorous rap song video about her injuries during the lead up to the trials. And in 1984, Lea Finck was DFL while being 6 months pregnant. She felt she had something to prove. “Pregnancy is a natural condition. If I can scrub floors, I can run a marathon.”

While Amy Cragg crosses the finish line to win the ’16 Olympic Trials, Joanna Ziegler (in background) continues her DFL race with another 6 mile lap still to go.

To learn more about the athlete’s who finished DFL at past Olympic trials, what inspired them to keep pushing through their pains, and what it means to be considered “Pittsburgh Good,” read this article.

Upcoming PaceSetters Fun Runs

Unless noted otherwise, these Fun Runs occur monthly on the second Wednesday of the month and will feature 2 options, approximately 5k and 10k in length.

  • June 12, 2024, 6:00 pm - Whiting Boathouse, 98 5th St, Neenah. Subs, chips, beer/soda and ice cream
  • July 10, 2024, 6:00 pm - City Park, 500 E Franklin St, Appleton
  • August 14, 2024, 6:00 pm - Telulah Park, 1300 E Newberry St, Appleton
  • September 11, 2024, 6:00 pm - Riverside Park, 500 E Wisconsin Ave, Neenah

Flo Meiler, 89 Year Old Pentathlon Champion

Last summer Flo Meiler became the first 89-year old decathlon athlete, completing the 100-meter, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400-meter, 110-meter hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, and 1500-meter at the Vermont Senior Games, and ALL in just 2 days!

"People look at me, they think I’m a little cuckoo, I think. I’ve had a lot of students come up to me and say ‘What an inspiration you are to us.’" Flo didn’t start pole-vaulting until she was 65, today she has over 1,040 medals in total.